Safety Talks: Confined Space Hazards and Risk Controls
Confined Space is a narrow place with limited access and egress where workers from some high demand service or manufacturing industry are required to work, sectors such as construction, oil and gas fields, refineries, manufacturing plants, and petrochemicals might require high frequency of confined space work, activities such as cleaning, maintenance, repair and installation can be done inside a confined space based on the job requirement. Welding Activity at the Confined Space (Pipeline) Confined space is not designed to be continuously occupied by job performers, there can be a long list of the confined space examples, however here I define some common ones which are found in residential construction may include manholes sewer systems, storm drains, precast concrete, old units transformer, vaults, tanks, pits, crawl spaces and attics, a space may also be a permit required confined space if it has one or more of the following hazardous conditions, if contains a hazardous atmos